Welcome to Alchemist's Refuge - Your source for Trading Card Games and Accessories!


  • Saturday, March 29th

    Pokemon Trade Day

    2pm - 6pm

    Join us for our monthly Pokemon trade day! Bring your binder or slabs, and meet up with other Pokemon fans. Work on your binders or sets together.

  • Friday, April 4th & Saturday, April 5th

    Tarkir: Dragonstorm Pre-Release @ The Refuge

    Join us for one of two pre-release events @ The Refuge

    Friday, April 4th @ 7pm
    Saturday, April 5th @ 4pm

  • Saturday, April 5th

    CEDH Biweekly @ The Refuge

    We're excited to host regular CEDH tournaments to build a vibrant and engaged community! The tournaments will be held twice a month on the first or second Saturday and the second-to-last Saturday of the month. The goal is to keep the community active while giving players time between events to refresh. We’ll start with two tournaments a month, but if there's demand, we may move to weekly events.

  • Sunday, april 6th

    Pokemon Gym Challenge

    This will be an official pokemon event for the play organization.Each player receives a play pack for playing.

    Buy in: $10

  • Saturday, April 19th

    CEDH Biweekly @ The Refuge

    We're excited to host regular CEDH tournaments to build a vibrant and engaged community! The tournaments will be held twice a month on the first or second Saturday and the second-to-last Saturday of the month. The goal is to keep the community active while giving players time between events to refresh. We’ll start with two tournaments a month, but if there's demand, we may move to weekly events.

  • saturday, april 26th

    Pokemon Trade Day

    2pm - 6pm

    Join us for our monthly Pokemon trade day! Bring your binder or slabs, and meet up with other Pokemon fans. Work on your binders or sets together.

  • Sunday April 27th

    RCQ @ The Refuge

    32 Player Cap - Swiss Rounds with a Cut to Top 8

    Format: Modern

  • Open Sunday

    Now Open On Sunday!

    We are pleased to annouce that Alchemist's Refuge is now open 7 days a week! Feel free to stop by and end your week with us.

  • Monday 7:00PM

    Flesh and Blood

    Join us Monday nights for our Flesh and Blood Armory Event. The cost is $10 and armory promos will be provided as prize support.

  • Monday 7:00PM

    Star Wars Unlimited Weekly @ The Refuge

    $10 buy in
    Pack per win
    3 rounds

  • Taco Tuesday 6:00PM

    Magic: the Gathering

    Join us for some great food and good games. This is a FREE to play Commander event. Tacos are $1-2 depending on your selection.

  • Wednesday 7:00pm

    Weekly Pokemon

    Wednesday @ 7pm
    $5 buy-in, kids free
    Standard format
    Best of Three
    Prices paid out based on attendance

  • Wednesday @ 7pm

    $30 Vintage

    7pm - 10pm

  • Thursday 7:00pm

    Pre-Modern @ The Refuge

    $10 buy in
    500 dust per win
    3 rounds

  • Commander Weekend 6:00PM

    Are you ready to play Commander into the early hours of the morning? Join us on Friday or Saturday night for a great time with friends.

  • Sunday @ 4:00pm

    60 Card Sunday - Standard!

    Weekly on Sunday @ 4pm

    Join us for our first season of 60 Card Sunday! To kick things off, we're playing standard!

  • Sunday 4:00PM

    Disney Lorcana

    Join us for our Weekly Lorcana League! Here are the details:

    Sundays at 3pm
    $10 Entry Fee
    Loracana Constructed (60 Card Decks)3 Swiss Rounds Best of 3

    All participants get a promo of their choice.
    A Pack Per Round Win (Up to 3 Packs)
    1st Place Gets a Pin or Lore Counter.

cEDH Showdown Recap Vlog

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