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October Super Armory Classic Constructed (CC) - Flesh and Blood

October Super Armory Classic Constructed (CC) - Flesh and Blood

Jonathan Medina |

We are rounding up a bunch of Armory Promos, and adding a Tipanis to the prize support in this Armory! Here’s what you need to join and play:


Cost  $25 
Format – Classic Constructed
When – Starts Monday Oct 3rd – Ends by Oct 24th (You have 72 hours to play each round) 3-5 Rounds based on attendance with no cut to top 8.
Where – The Alchemist Refuge Discord
XP will be awarded for this event.


All cards in the prize pool are Armory Promos.

1st Place – Taipanis, Dracai of Judgement (RF), Searing Emberblade (CF), Pierce Reality (CF), Passing Mirage (CF), Haze Bending (CF), Holiday Cracked Bauble (CF), Release the Tension (RF), Run Through (RF), Wrecking Ball (RF), Life of the Party (RF)

2nd Place – Blossom of Spring (CF), Searing Emberblade (CF), Pierce Reality (CF), Passing Mirage (CF), Haze Bending (CF), Holiday Cracked Bauble (CF), Release the Tension (RF), Run Through (RF), Wrecking Ball (RF), Phantasmify (RF)

3rd Place – Blossom of Spring (CF), Pierce Reality (CF), Passing Mirage (CF), Haze Bending (CF), Holiday Cracked Bauble (CF), Release the Tension (RF), Run Through (RF), Wrecking Ball (RF), Ironsong Response (Promo)

4th Place – Galaxxi Black (CF), Valda Brightaxe (CF), Pierce Reality (CF), Passing Mirage (CF), Haze Bending (CF), Holiday Cracked Bauble (CF), Release the Tension (RF), Run Through (RF), Wrecking Ball (RF), Ironsong Response (Promo)

5th-8th Place - 8x Random Armory Promos

9th - ? Place – The remaining players will get 4 Random Armory Promos

People’s Champion – We will be giving out 2 People's Champion Playmats


  • Games must be played on the voice channels of the Alchemist Refuge server.
  • Each player will be given 72 hours to complete each of thier matches. If all players complete their matches early the new round will be paired.
  • Shipping charges may be inccured for non-US players who win prizes.